Network theorem are the best point about network analysis

Network theorem are the best point about network analysis
✍️Maxwell's Mesh current method:-
In this method Kirchhoff's voltage is applied to a network to write mesh equation in terms of mesh current.
✍️Nodal analysis:-
Nodal analysis essential aims at choosing a reference node in the network and then finding the unknown voltage at the independent nodes w.r.t. reference node.
✍️Superposition theorem:-
This theorem is called superposition becouse we superpose or algebraically add the components (current or voltage)due to each independent source acting alone to obtain the total current in or voltage across a circuit elements.
✍️Thevenin's theorem:-
Any linear bilateral network having terminals A and B can be replaced by a single source of e.m.f.Vth in series with a single resistance Rth.
१)The emf Vth is the voltage obtained across terminals A and B with load,if any removed is open-circuited voltage between terminals A and B.
२)The resistance Rth is the resistance of the network measured between terminals A and B with load removed and source of emf replaced by their internal resistances. Ideal voltage source are replaced with short circuit and ideal current source are replaced with open circuit.
✍️Norton's theorem:-
Thevenin's theorem are similarity between Rth=In.
Thus the use of either of these theorems enables us to replace the entire circuit seen at a pair of terminals by an equivalent circuit made up of a single source and a single resistance.
✍️Maximum Power transfer theorem:-
MPTT is transferred from a source to load when the load resistance is made equal to the internal resistance of the source as viewed from the load terminals with load removed and all emf source replaced by their internal resistances.
✍️Reciprocity Theorem:-
In a linear bilateral network if an emf acting in a branch X causes a current I in branch Y then the same emf E located in branch Y will causes a current I in branch X. Current in other parts of the network will get remain the same.
✍️Millman Theorem:-
It is used to reduce any number of parallel voltage/current sources to an equivalent circuit containing only one source.
This theorem areTwo stated in terms of voltage/current source:-
१) Parallel voltage source:-
                  The voltage source that are directly connected in parallel can be replaced by a single equivalent voltage source.
२) Parallel current source:-
                   The current source that are directly connected in parallel can be replaced by a single equivalent current source.
३) Voltage and current source in parallel:-
                    The Millman Theorem is also applicable if the circuit has a mixture of parallel voltage and current source.Each parallel connected voltage source is converted to an equivalent current source.
✍️ Compensation theorem:-
It states that any resistance R in a branch of a network in which current I is flowing can be replaced for the purpose of calculations by a voltage equal to IR.


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