What is the measure by biomedical/metrics measurment?Some are the best point in the measurements.

Biomedical measurment/Metrics||ECG ,EEG,EMG,Blood pressure measurement, bioelectric potential||
What is the biomedical measurment/metrics?
        Biomedical instruments may be designed and developed for a particular specialized requirements but a majority of them are adaption of the widely used physical measuring device.
           Only the shape/size of the device may be different.A thermistor device is generally used along with a suitable bridge circuit in which the terminal device may be a voltmeter.
Which are the best measurements of bioelectric potential?
     The electrochemical activity in certain types of body cells gives rise to ionic voltage usually termed as bioelectric potential.
         Cell in the resting state have a lower base value of ionic potential is called resting potential.
        A cell that has been excited and display action potential is said to be depolarised .
ECG(electro cardigram):-
         Its German spelling electro kardiogram. ECG is a graphic recording or display of the electrical activity of the heart muscle myocardium.This represented form of time varying voltage in cardiac cycle.
         ECG waveform represent rhythmic electrical depolarisatiom repolarisation of myocardium of auricles and ventricles and are designated by a letter system.
EEG(electro encephalogram):-
           In represent the record of electrical activity of the brain which is usually in the range of 10-100 microvolt. Peak amplitude with band width range from dc to 100Hz.
EMG (electro myogram):-
         In represent a record of the electrical activity of the skeletal muscles,which is usually in the range of 50Miu volt to 1mili volt peak amplitude with bandwidth range from 10 to 3000hz.
Blood pressure measurement:-
          It is the most important physiological variable and the cardio vascular system.
       High blood pressure (hypertension) and extremely low pressure (hypotension) indication helps the doctors to treat their patients suitably to avoid their untimely death.


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